1. Organization. Organized files are a must in human resources, not only to keep the business running smoothly, but also to create a paper trail in case of audit or lawsuit. Compliant recordkeeping helps avoid costly lawsuits and government fines.
2. Multitasking. Human resources requires many hats. You not only have to find new employees, deal with personnel issues, and ensure that everyone understands their benefits package, but you also have to know what the laws say about all of it. Everyday is a new and exciting challenge, if you're ready to accept it.
3. Dealing with Grey Areas. Is it discrimination? Is it harassment? What is "reasonable" accommodation? What do you do when faced with a he said/she said situation? Dealing with human resources situations means remaining professional, documenting decisions, and using your best judgment based on the facts you had at hand.
4. Negotiation. Negotiation is an important skill to help navigate the grey areas. Do you have the ability to help people to compromise and be happy with the solution, even if it's not what they wanted. Some negotiations are routine, such goes along with deal as a request for a raise, while others may be more rare.
5. Communication. Communication is so important across all lines of business that it should maybe be higher on the list! Keeping in constant communication with your employees not only shows that you care, but also lets them know what's expected of them, which keeps your organization running smoothly.
6. Discrete and Ethical. Discretion is essential, especially in our business. You will notice that Elite HR Team never shares the names of our clients, and instead just says "A Large Manufacturer." We find that people don't like to discuss their business problems, even if they've found the solution.
7. Dual Focus. The HR tightrope is stretched between the employees and management. You want to keep employees happy, while simultaneously protecting the business's bottom line.
8. Conflict Management and Problem Solving. It would be a beautiful day if we could all learn to get along! We've had HR complaints on things so small as the smell of someone's oatmeal in the kitchen to an employee not realizing that it was dress-down day and crying that she missed the chance to wear jeans. Although these issues may seem small, they obviously affected the employees enough to ruin their day, and human resources has to sometimes act not only as a sounding board but must also comfort them and find a reasonable solution.
9. Change Management. In the previous eight skills, we listed several day-to-day issues that human resources must juggle. But you must also be able to keep the big picture in mind as you run your business. Where are you going and how are you going to get there? Strategic HR Planning can give you a road map to the future.
If you feel that you're missing some of these attributes in your company's human resources management, we have solutions. You might want to consider a program such as Elite HR Business School™, which walks you through establishing compliant HR function. We also have retainer options that allow you to learn to do it yourself all the way through handing over HR function to a team of consultants. Find which one is right for you.