Elite HR Team's Core Value Monthly Spotlight: Leadership
This month we explore our value of Leadership. Elite HR Team values Leadership and we express its importance by using it in one of our vision statements, “Lead with passion and integrity,” and in our core values honeycomb matrix. We define leadership as, “Demonstrating the courage to be a leader and to better other leaders.”
We include courage in our expression of leadership because it critically supports a leaders effectiveness. Courage is not being fearless, but having the ability to recognize fear and act anyway. We spent the last week thinking about our personal definitions of Leadership and this is what we came up with.
“A person with leadership abilities has the incredible gift of shaping the future. A leader can guide their supporters to increase their knowledge and skills; making those supporters the new leaders of the future.”
- Kristy, HR Assistant
“Leadership requires leaders to risk action, based upon the leader's vision of what the future could be and by accepting some unknowns for the sake of the betterment of their followers and to accomplish their objectives.” -Dan, Excellence Manager
“Leadership is encouraging others to work together toward a common goal, making the sum greater than the parts. A true leader inspires you to want to do your best, to impress them, to live up to the potential they see in you.” - Jodi, Business Assistant
“You cannot lead without followers. Leaders must possess the unique ability to attract and retain followers, communicate the mission of the group, and to motivate the group into action. A good leader knows their limits and builds a team that compliments their weaknesses. Effective leaders develop their followers into leaders.” - Kandi, Owner & Founder
“A true leader's goals and dreams are to help others achieve their goals and dreams.”
- Michelle, HR Consultant
Leadership involves the ability to motivate others to do something extraordinary, something they would not normally do; thereby, learning something and becoming a better version of themselves. Whether you lead by example, by motivating, by directing, or by influencing, it takes the courage to risk rejection and accept responsibility for not only your own failure, but quite possibly the failures of those you lead.
Finally, the negative formulation of risk-taking is “With great risk comes great loss.” However, good leaders recognize and internalize the positive formulation, “With great risk comes great reward.” They have developed their ability to discount false fears and courageously accept real ones in order to act decisively for the betterment of something or someone.
How does your organization view leadership? Are you leading in a productive way? We want to learn from you. Let us know what your definition of leadership is by commenting below.