I just put $4,800 directly into a business owner's pockets every year. $4,800 is the direct premium savings I was able to find them by shopping their plan. For the last 5 years, they were paying $730 per month for their family coverage with a $6,000 family deductible and $15 prescription copays. Their NEW plan, which has a monthly premium of only $330, has only a $5,000 family deductible and their prescriptions are only $4. So, if we want to get technical, we also lowered their expense risk by $1,000 annually in terms of their deductible, and saved them $132 per year on their prescriptions (savings of $11 per month). So, over the course of the next 5 years (as long as they had their old plan) they will have saved nearly $30,000 ($4,800 x 5 = $24,000, $1,000 x 5 = $5,000, and $132 x 5 = $660)! I didn't even mention that for each year that they do not exhaust their deductible, their deductible decreases by 20% the following year, up to a 50% decrease!
How can we save business owners this type of money? That's easy; we are not an insurance agency. Our income is not dependent on the amount of premium we can get you to pay. We believe in small business. We support small business. We want you and your business to feel financially stable and protected. We care about "doing right" by our clients.
What would you do with your extra $30,000?