Because of the response we got on our last blog post (read it here), we want to take the time to go through the top ten outsourced HR tasks and show how Elite HR Teamâ„¢ specifically can help. We had requests to break down each of the top ten, so we'll start with number 10 and count down in the following weeks.
10. HR Compliance Audits & Training. Most businesses aren't non-compliant intentionally. They've simply fallen victim to the "this is the way we've always done it" or the "we don't really have a system for that" mentality. Compliance audits can point out the areas where your business needs improvement, and training from HR experts allows your staff to understand what they need to do and why, while giving them the tools to show them how.
A small investment in HR consulting directly impacts your bottom line by improving process efficiency and protecting you from fines and lawsuits. For example, spending $100 on multicolored file folders and investing some time into setting up your system correctly can save you $16,000 per violation if you aren't doing your paperwork correctly. Training your managers with a one-day seminar can prevent them from many common mistakes when dealing with problem employees, since wrongful termination carries a price tag of $85,000 in defense fees, with the average settlement $500,000. Properly documenting a hiring decision can prevent a million-dollar lawsuit. Trust us; we've seen it all!
Fellow business owners don't want to air their dirty laundry. Forbes reported that more than a half million new business start each month, but even more employer businesses shut their doors. You could have the right idea at the right time for the right people -- and lose it all because of one lawsuit or government fine. Unless the case is sensational enough to be reported in the paper, it's just one more small business closing its door.
In order to avoid this from happening to you, you should have your practices analyzed by a human resources expert. They can tell you if you're asking illegal interview questions; if your filing cabinet is also holding potential fines; if the way you treat employees is opening you up to a discrimination lawsuit, and more! By doing things right in the first place, you will avoid trying to fix much larger problems in the future. Businesses don't think twice about a financial audit, which they conduct at least annually. Human resources is just as important.
Some of the areas that we analyze for non-compliance are:
- Documentation, filing and recordkeeping
- Recruiting practices and processes
- Job descriptions and requisitions
- Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), among others
- New-hire practices and orientation
- Benefit eligibility and enrollment
- Employee classification according to the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Wages and hours according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Performance reviews, discipline and termination procedures
- Displaying the appropriate and required employment law posters
If you know what fines might arise, you can take steps to eliminate them, and even if you aren't finished with the process, an auditor might look at your efforts favorably if you can prove you're trying to establish compliant practices. To inquire about a human resource compliance audit or training, email us at [email protected].