MC: And we’re back for round number 3 of HEALTHCARE Trivia with Joel Harrison from Mensing Consulting Solutions leading Obamacare 2-0
Question 3: Please address how the Metallic naming system works.
Obamacare: (buzz)( with bandaid on head) RED, WHITE, and BLUE, Obamacare takes care of you.
MC: What?
O: (buzz) and Catastrophic!
Joel: (buzz) The new healthcare labeling system uses metal levels to explain how much of your healthcare costs you are responsible for paying.
January 1, 2014, plans will have an Out-of-Pocket Max of $6350 for an individual and $12700 for a family. So, apply the percentage that corresponds to your metallic choice to the out of pocket max to get a general idea of your healthcare costs for the year.
Platinum (Record) you are responsible for 10% of your healthcare costs.
Gold (grill) you are responsible for 20% of your healthcare costs
Silver (bells) you are responsible for 30% of your healthcare costs
Bronze (statue) you are responsible for 40% of your healthcare costs
Remember, before the law changes on January 1, 2014, some plans have people with $20,000 or more in out of pocket expenses. This is another good thing about Healthcare Reform.
O: (Buzz) and Catastrophic!
J: Yes, Obamacare, for those under 30 and some other individuals who can get a hardship exception, catastrophic plans are available. Basically, you pay the whole $6350 before your insurance kicks in and pays the rest.
MC: Correctomundo!! We’ll be right back!
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Next Question. How does the Affordable Care Act help with wellness and preventative care?
O: (buzz: Eating an Obamapop) Health and wellness is FREE.
MC: (in a you’re going to Mexico Price Is Right voice) That’s correct! Included in all qualified health plans is a large list of services provided free of charge at all in-network facilities.
Don’t know if you’re covered for these items? Mensing Consulting Solutions can find a plan that works for you. Even if you don’t think you can afford health insurance, give us a call. We’ll give you peace of mind, and a plan that gets you covered! Our toll-free number is: 1-855-MENSING. Or, fill out a free quote request at