Take an interest in employee’s lives. Pay attention to what excites them. Inquire about life events they have shared and how personal and company events turned out. Realize that they have a life outside work, just as you do, and people and events that are important to them. By acknowledging this, you reiterate the importance of their job to create the life they want outside of work and realize what motivates them.
Implement an open-door policy for staff members to share ideas or concern. Make sure they understand that they may be required to solve some problems for themselves, but the manager or supervisor is always there to support them.
Provide employees the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities. By offering training, outside classes, or workshops and seminars, you’re showing the employee that the company is investing in them.
Allow employees more decision-making authority within the realm of their job. Not many employees like to feel micromanaged. If you give them authority over the small day-to-day decisions they encounter, employees will feel a greater sense of responsibility.
Address employee concerns and complaints before they make an employee or the workplace dysfunctional. Many employees just want to be heard. Venting frustrations may be enough to alleviate the workplace stress that has developed. However, if a situation where intervention is needed arises, it’s best to address the conflict when it’s still in the beginning stages.
Employee recognition is essential. Verbal praise, a thank you note, or a small token of gratitude or a formal recognition program can go a long way to making an employee feel appreciated.
Emphasize the importance of process. First, go through and make sure that your processes are working for you. Sometimes teams procrastinate on the little steps because they don’t think there’s any harm or because they feel filing is busywork. Explain the chain of events and that there aren’t any small steps, only small thinking. If they understand why they’re required to accomplish “grunt work,” they may be more willing to shoulder the responsibility.
Give employees a clearer picture of their compensation. By providing a report of their adjusted salary when benefits and perks from the company are added in, they may see that your investment in them is more than they thought. For example, if you contribute to health care costs, cell phone bills, provide coffee, tea, or snacks, or contribute to a life insurance policy, these are all items that could be added to their salary.
By communicating, showing genuine concern, and investing in an employee's success, you motivate them to show loyalty to your business and to invest themselves in their job. These small things can go a long way toward creating content employees and a healthy culture in your business.
*More great information like this is available in our Elite HR Business School™! We walk you through everything you need to know from hiring to firing.