- Less than 60 days left for open enrollment. You will not be able to buy health insurance between April 1 and November 1 unless you experience a qualifying life event.
- The “customer” experience at healthcare.gov is working most days now; however, due to back-end problems, having a broker as your representative will still save you a ton of headaches.
- Medical underwriting for major medical health plans is dead.
- It is now illegal for business owners to give pre-tax dollars to help employees pay for individual insurance premiums. If you are using a defined benefit model, you are at risk of government and tax penalties.
- Supplemental insurance products (accident, critical illness, hospital indemnity) are becoming a big part of both small business and individual healthcare strategies. For an idea of how these plans can lower your risk and save you money, click here.
- With everything that has changed in healthcare recently, it is more important than ever to speak with a knowledgeable, qualified health insurance broker who can explain and discuss ALL your options. As always, I am here to help. Call any time or email here.
4/7/2014 10:13:28 pm
Sometimes it happens that you are unable to do something but when your overall performance is great there are less chances that you will be unable to help the people in getting their health insurance. If you inform your clients before time it is good for you and also for the prospective clients to know what is the best way.
1/2/2015 06:42:33 pm
The teachings of students by the teachers and experts are priceless. The research work is very important and essential but the teachings and wisdom of teacher’s is very necessary. The assignment wring is making the study of things in detail possible.
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