The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been stated by many to be the single most controversial and confusing piece of legislation in United States history. With so many different people and groups interested in healthcare in one form or another everyone has something to say and they are all saying something different. Like it or not healthcare reform is coming FAST. The countdown is to less than 6 months left in 2013 and the exchanges open in October. If you’re “just waiting to see what the ACA does” you’re going to be left in the dust and be scrambling to comply with regulations early next year. This could end up costing you in the end. So here are a few tips to stop worrying and love the ACA.
Drop the politics
OK I’ll admit love is a bit of a stretch. My point is Healthcare reform is coming whether you like it or not. Congress tried to overturn it… FAILED. The Supreme Court tried to say it was unconstitutional… FAILED. States said they would not participate… FAILED. It’s time to face the facts… the healthcare reform is here to stay. So stop arguing about who is right and who is wrong and start having intelligent conversations about what solutions work best for your business. The number of businesses who will actually be severely hurt by the new laws is minimal.
Get educated (properly)
Healthcare reform is complex; there is no way around it. If you have not already begun to understand how the ACA will affect you, your time is running out. Now is the time to meet with professionals in the healthcare field. Search out and attend seminars that help you to navigate the pitfalls business owners will have to deal with. Have specific conversations about how reform will help or hurt your business and what strategies are available to make the transition as smooth as possible. When doing research remember to pay attention to the political affiliations of your sources. Because everyone feels so strongly about healthcare reform there is A LOT of misinformation out there… be careful.
Relax… it’s just the ACA
Once you have made your peace with healthcare reform and found the best solutions for your business you can sit and watch the chaos happen around you. The “wait to see what happens” crowd will be forced to make last-minute, hasty decisions and pay costly fines because they have been too stubborn to just stop worrying and learn to apply and love the ACA.