Communication is the number one thing that will improve morale, employee retention, and create an overall happy work environment. But sometimes your employees don't want to come to you with problems. Perhaps they think it will jeopardize their job, maybe they don't think you're approachable, maybe they don't think there's a solution to their dissatisfaction at work, or they've come to you with concerns before that haven't been addressed. Sometimes you have to focus in on the things they don't say in order to effectively start a line of communication. Unhappy employees waste company time and resources, costing your company thousands each year. Here are seven signs that your employees are unhappy in their work roles:
1. Turnover. The most blatant sign that employees are unhappy with their jobs is if they leave. Some industries are notorious for their turnover rates, especially minimum wage positions, but if you notice an increase in turnover, or if employees start leaving at a certain time or from a certain department, there may be internal issues fueling their decision.
2. HR Complaints, Petty Problems. Unhappiness in their job can cause employees to find fault with minor issues around the company. If they’re making a point to repeatedly complain about trivial matters, there's probably a larger issue. Question them to further to get to the heart of the problem.
3. Absenteeism. An employee who starts missing work – arriving late or leaving early – may be frustrated and just not want to come in, or they may be using the time to go on interviews.
4. Poor Productivity. Even if the employee is present, if their productivity declines it can be a sign that they’re unhappy and not willing to put in an effort to their daily tasks.
5. Discipline Problems. Some people are unwilling to quit a job, or are hoping to collect unemployment, so they may push the decision to terminate into your court. If you start having discipline problems with an employee who previously had no issues, it may be a department issue, or they may just not be making an effort.
6. Attitude. Keeping yourself plugged in to your workers will allow you to see if they have a shift in attitude. Sullenness, anger, or boredom may be signs of disengagement.
7. Time Stealing. If you monitor your technology, seeing a rise in websites like Monster or Career Builder, or outgoing calls may be a sign that employees are using work resources to job search.
What can you do about it?
- If you want to find out what your employees are thinking, consider conducting a Retention Survey. Retention surveys allow employees to offer their honest feed back in an anonymous way, which gives you insight into their true feelings. Retention surveys are customized to each business, and Elite HR Team™ provides a comprehensive executive report with suggestions for improvement. These are best done by a third party, because employees don't trust that their company will keep the information confidential. Click here for more information.
- Use a program such as StrengthsFinder in connection with creating job descriptions. This solution is two-fold. First, StrengthsFinder will analyze each member of your team, based on a few pages of reading and a short, multiple-choice quiz. When your employees understand their strengths, they can work smarter, not harder. As they analyze their best assets, your job descriptions should be updated to reflect the tasks they are best suited for. Sometimes an unhappy employee is merely frustrated by their role, because it doesn't maximize their strengths. Job descriptions also ensure that employees know what is expected of them.
- If you haven't evaluated your benefits packages lately, now might be a good time. There are a slew of additional free or low cost benefits that you can offer to incentivize staff without breaking the bank. Along with the benefits you provide, you should also create a benefits statement that shows each employee exactly how much the company is investing in them. Retention surveys also often ask if employees are happy with their benefits package, and what benefits they would like to see.
- You may also consider a wellness program. Wellness programs can focus on many aspects, from weight loss to smoking cessation, to stress management. When employees are healthy, they are more likely to be happy and to have the energy to take on the challenges presented to them.
- Finally, talk to your employees! Touch base with them daily. Make a point to ask about their lives and respond with genuine interest. Because you have opened the doors of communication, employees will be more likely to come to you when problems arise.